Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Slavery in Modern Times

"They can't leave, can't seek help. They are in every way trapped."
Florida's tomatoes aren't exactly what they seem. They are picked by trapped modern day slaves. I had no idea that it was like that so close to home. Many people like, Subway, Taco Bell, MC. Donald's, and Burger King are trying to help stop this industry from continuing on. Slavery should not be allowed, let alone having people tricked into it, as in many occasions. Slavery was banded for a reason and it should stay banned especially in the United states, a free country.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Huckleberry Finn

Huck seems like a smart, determined person. With his determination he is trying to tun his life around for the better. He knows what he wants and he strives to get it.

So far this book has had its ups and its downs. There are many different parts that keep my interest and others that I could be fine without. This book also kind of makes me feel sorry for Huck. That he has to go through all this without a mother and a father who could care less whether his son lives or dies. I hope the rest of the books keeps my interest.

Huckleberry Finn

Seconds seem like hours and hours seem like days. Pap has left and gone to waste himself on alcohol. I am in a small dark room, all alone for who knows how long. All this time to do nothing, I have been thinking. Thinking about my life and how much it has changed. All these horrible things have happened and I wonder, why me? Pap is the only parent I have left and he is not a parent at all. I want a fresh start. Somewhere without Pap and no troubles. I am going to escape fro this place and find a place to be happy. I am conjuring up a plan and I am getting away. Tonight I execute my plan, hoping just hoping everything goes well so I can be free.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the Shoes of the accused

If I was accused of something that was as big as being a witch, I would scare them into thinking that I would cast spells on them if they caused me any harm. Witchcraft was such a big thing back then that the people would believe just about anything, so I would use that as an advantage towards me. Doing this would hopefully allow me to be disbanded of an charges towards me.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


What were some of the underlying beliefs that Puritans possessed?  How did their beliefs affect their daily lives?  Could you live in a Puritanical society?  Why or why not?  What would be the most difficult part (for you) about being raised in that type of environment?
*Some main beliefs are religious movements. The where really religious, and did service for others. They are mostly concerned with religion, more than politics and social acquaintances.

*Things that effected their everyday lives are that since they didn't participate in political things, they got criticized by very political people. Also they had conflicts with King Charles of England. He and his wife did not agree with the Puritans views and beliefs.

*I personally could not live in a Puritan society because they have very harsh religious views. I also don't have strong political views but, i do believe that you should have some part of your political surroundings.

*The most difficult part would be to not participate in other social events. Being social is fun for me and completely having little social life I probably couldn't stay cooped up with the same people.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"That which doesnt destroy us makes us stronger"

“That which doesn’t destroy us makes us stronger”. Many things in life will test our strength. Everyday we are given opportunities that can either break us, or make us stronger. The quote above is very true and will be able to teach a lesson. When we see that we can overcome and concern things we see strength in ourselves. No matter the difficulty with perseverance we can all overcome it. Becoming a stronger person allows our lives to change for the better. I have a personal experience about this quote that happened only two weeks ago. A close family friend and my sisters’ good boyfriend was Han gliding up in Gilbert. Tragically, things went wrong and he nose dove off a cliff. He did not make it and passed away shortly after. My family and I have hard a hard time letting go to someone who was as kind and friendly as Shane. At his funeral services we were able to grow strength to never really let him go but to always remember him and his time with us here. Since that day, each and every one of my family members has grown and learned from that experience. We all could have taken it the complete opposite direction and this tragic event could have been a huge down fall for my family and I. Seeing a strength grow in me has helped me never taken anything I have for granted.

Tribulation and hard times are going to come and go. When you are able to overcome one trial you can overcome so many more. Seeing strength in yourself allows you to take situations that are hard and overcome them through that strength. “That which doesn’t destroy us makes us stronger”, is a strong and very true quote that everyone can use in their everyday lives.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1. You signed up for the military two years ago, and your country is going to war. Today you received your papers stating that you will be shipped overseas to fight. You disagree with the reasons that your country is going to war. Should you engage in civil disobedience and refuse to fight or should you go anyways? Explain.As a military officer you signed up to fight and serve. I would go because even though you disagree you are still fighting for freedom.  When you sign up you agree to go into situations that you may not completly agree with.

2. Late one night you hear a knock on your door. You open it and find an individual who is in pretty rough shape and asks for help. After seeing this person for a few seconds you immediately realize that this is an individual who has come to the country illegally. You also realize that giving this individual assistance is a violation of the law. What should you do? Explain.
I personally would not give them shelter. I would find them a away to get shelter and give them food, but not invite them in. Because, I have no idea who this individual is and I want to protect me and my family from any harm this person may cause.
3. Your country has been at war for the last three years, and due to the need for additional soldiers they decide to implement the draft. You receive a letter in the mail stating that you must report to the army in one week. You disagree with the war and you do not want to fight, but not reporting would be a violation of the law with serious consequences. What should you do? Explain.

I would not go to war. If I had a family I would need to stay and protect them. Being drafted isnt a choice and that is kind of a violation of our rights. If we have health or physical issues and are unable to fight that we should not have to fight. Freedom is very important yes, but having other responsibilities can tamper with drafting.

4. The state legislature has passed a law stating that schools are no longer allowed to teach ethnic studies. One of the reactions to this has been walkouts and sit-ins by some students and teachers to protest the law. Do you think this action is justified? Why or why not? 

I think these actions, in certain situations can be justified. In many situation doing dramatic things is the only way to get the point across. Being able to show your concerns is a right and people show their opinon is different ways. Even though sit ins and walkouts arent the best ways, sometimes it is okay.

5. You are called into Jury duty and do not agree with the trial you are assigned to. You want this person to get justice that the crime happened to and put the criminal in jail. Being asked questions you have the choice to lie and get into the jury or tell the truth about your beliefs. What should you do?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th 2011

Henry David Thoreau had many beliefs and published them in a essay called "Civil Disobedience". He was able to express that the government should have certain right and the others should be taken away for them. He had different opinions and wrote them in books, poems and essays.
This relates to the tusd issue because it is relation to rights and the government. The issues are being solved by government in rule and tusd doesn't have a big say in the solution. TUSD has been approached by an issue that they have to stay strong in their beliefs just like Henry David had to. Many years have passed since Henry's time and today we still have to express our beliefs because without that it will be hard to survive in the world.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


initial thoughts about the TUSD ethnic studies issue.  What are the arguments on each side?  Who is involved?  What other information have you discovered?

The issue coming up at tusd is being blown out of proportion. It has been the same for such a long time that starting something now is just questionable. I personally have never had any problems with ethnic discrimination in any of my classes.

The side that has the most power right now is the side that wants to get rid of the ethnic studies all together. They want to eliminate the program and stop any issues from happening. The other opposing side is for keeping the program. They don't see a problem because it has been fine for such a long time bringing it up just brings up more problems.

The people involved are, tusd and their staff, Tom Horne the attorney state general, Pedicone and Huppenthal. They are all effected differently and have many issues to work out, on opposing and for sides.

I discovered while reading that there are so many different opinions that there is just argument for each side. Cutting tusd budgets is not smart. More problems will arise as budgets are cut. We already experienced this last year and it didn't turn out that well. So many different sides can take place in this issue.