“That which doesn’t destroy us makes us stronger”. Many things in life will test our strength. Everyday we are given opportunities that can either break us, or make us stronger. The quote above is very true and will be able to teach a lesson. When we see that we can overcome and concern things we see strength in ourselves. No matter the difficulty with perseverance we can all overcome it. Becoming a stronger person allows our lives to change for the better. I have a personal experience about this quote that happened only two weeks ago. A close family friend and my sisters’ good boyfriend was Han gliding up in Gilbert. Tragically, things went wrong and he nose dove off a cliff. He did not make it and passed away shortly after. My family and I have hard a hard time letting go to someone who was as kind and friendly as Shane. At his funeral services we were able to grow strength to never really let him go but to always remember him and his time with us here. Since that day, each and every one of my family members has grown and learned from that experience. We all could have taken it the complete opposite direction and this tragic event could have been a huge down fall for my family and I. Seeing a strength grow in me has helped me never taken anything I have for granted.
Tribulation and hard times are going to come and go. When you are able to overcome one trial you can overcome so many more. Seeing strength in yourself allows you to take situations that are hard and overcome them through that strength. “That which doesn’t destroy us makes us stronger”, is a strong and very true quote that everyone can use in their everyday lives.